Greetings and welcome to my personal home page. I am Said, if you want to know more about me and my interests, then I think you're in the right place! Here, you'll find information related to my activities as a scientist, from education and professional experience, but also hobbies, musical tastes, sports, and other interests and views. Besides, this page also provides an extensive set of microbiology links on the web.

I graduated in 1995 in Food Microbiology from Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg, France. What have I done since then? Well, I had a lot of exciting and interesting experiences, not only in France but also on the other side of the world. In fact, I am currently working as a Science and Technology Agency Research Fellow for the NGRI (National Grassland Research Institute) in Japan.  To sum up, I am a Moroccan, based in France, who is presently working in Japan, but please don't get confused, you'll find all about it here.

I maintain this site partly in the hope that it'll interest people who've already encountered my work, partly to draw in new interest, and partly as an exercise in trying to become a little more than a neophyte in web design. Hence, things will be changing quite frequently, so don't hesitate to check back now and again - I will try to update the individual pages once or twice a week.

So, this site is presently still under construction, but you can already obtain my resume and see some of my interests and bookmarks. Click on any of the buttons to get more information. Sorry for the numerous buttons, I'll try to make it simpler. For now, ...please be sure not to miss any one. Hopefully you'll be able to find your way around here easily. At some point I also hope to actually add more pictures.

By all means drop me a line about anything (I especially want to hear from anyone who has any permanent job offer, of course). I can be reached at the address which you'll see at the foot of the page (or simply click on the email button).

National Grassland Research Institute
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Nishinasuno, Tochigi 329-2793, Japan
Tel: +81 287 377 804, Fax: +81 287 366 629

Last update Tuesday, September 15, 2001